E-COM group of companies include Chee Sze Poh Press, E-Com Digital, E-Com Education etc. E-COM companies have been actively involved in the Singapore educational sector for over 50 years. The Companies focus on developing and providing quality educational contents and resources (both printed and digital version), interactive online teaching and learning portal, learning aid devices as well as educational APPs. Our educational brand ZhiShiBao®, Etutor®, Success Publications® etc. have a good reputation, visibility, and influence in Singapore.
Our key products include HAO PENG YOU, ZHI SHI HUA BAO, ZHI SHI BAO / NEW FRIENDS, NEW WORLD, NEW EXPRESS printed magazines and synchronized animated E-Magazines; eZhishi teaching & Learning resources and platform; EtutorStar learning pen and series of voice-enhanced audio books, Success Publications series English and Mathematics assessment books and Etutor Learning series APPs.