OpenSchoolbag is the complete one-stop store for quality education materials and resources for children aged 2 to 18. Based in Singapore and the only complete e-commerce platform for education materials and resources, we are an experienced and responsive wholesale distributor and retailer of a wide range of educational children toys, enrichment and assessment books.

The Singapore Education System
Singapore consistently ranks at the top in international testing.
Singapore students rank highly when it comes to “global competencies” needed to live in an interconnected and changing world, according to the results from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). PISA is a triennial OECD study that examines and compares how well education systems are helping their students acquire the knowledge and skills essential for full participation in modern societies. It assesses the capacity of 15-year-old students to apply knowledge and skills in Reading, Mathematics and Science, and to analyse, reason and communicate effectively as they solve problems in a variety of real-life situations.Students from a total of 66 education systems answered questionnaire items relating to global competence. Based on their mean scores, the Singapore students came out tops, beating second-placed Canada, with Hong Kong, Scotland and Taiwan rounding up the Top 5.
The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) takes place once every four years, and tests students at the grade four and grade eight levels. These are equivalent to Primary 4 and Secondary 2 here in Singapore respectively. The test was administered by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, a non-profit research cooperative based in Amsterdam. At both levels and for both subjects, Singapore students came out on top in 2019, beating students from other East Asian territories like Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan.
Serving the Singapore Market
Our range of products aim to provide high educational value with affordable prices to suit the needs of parents and children. We carry over 15 brands of learning toys from international distributors who are experienced in children development. The wide range of products develop growing children from the age of 2 to pre-schoolers in the areas of motor skills, sensory skills and cognitive skills.
For the school-going children, our wide selection of enrichment and assessment books consists more than 4,500 titles from established publishers who contribute to Singapore’s leading education system in the South East Asia region. Our books are carefully selected to ensure that they complement Singapore’s education system and provide enrichment value to school children. In addition, our selection also facilitates parents and tutors in teaching school-going children through guided solutions and easy-to-understand notes.
- Learning toys and Manipulatives
- Storybooks
- Assessment Books and Guides
- Enrichment Magazines
- Ten Year Series
Serving the South East Asia Region and International Markets
Capitalising on the leading Singapore education system in the South East Asia region, our education specialists provide sourcing solutions to the South East Asia region to meet the needs of the various education systems.
As an established e-commerce platform, we serve customers who value quality education products in the South East region and internationally. Our products have been shipped widely to the South East Asia region such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, United States and United Kingdom. Some of our corporate clients include international schools, retailers and wholesalers.
Overseas Distributors & Retailers
We are expanding and looking for reliable partners to complement our strong network of established publishers and distributors. For collaboration opportunities, please get in touch with us here.