Conquer Exam-Standard Mathematics Problem Sums with Terry Chew 3
This book is conceived, researched and carefully crafted for students looking to prepare for or embark on the journey to PSLE in addition to acquiring further knowledge in Mathematical Olympiad type questions.
It comprises:
- 28 lessons on topics spanning both the school based curriculum and MO
- Classic examples explained in depth and detail yet in an easy-to-understand manner
- Exercises to provide for practice and application
- Mathematical stories, anecdotes and articles that pique students’ interest and fuel their thirst for history and information as well as fun facts on common and popular Maths concepts
- Answers with full work solutions for self-assessment
- Supplementary reference section to provide extensive resource materials for lessons covered
Year of Pub
No. of Pages
Terry Chew
No. of Issues
190mm x 260mm
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This book is conceived, researched and carefully crafted for students looking to prepare for or embark on the journey to PSLE in addition to acquiring further knowledge in Mathematical Olympiad type questions.
It comprises:
- 28 lessons on topics spanning both the school based curriculum and MO
- Classic examples explained in depth and detail yet in an easy-to-understand manner
- Exercises to provide for practice and application
- Mathematical stories, anecdotes and articles that pique students’ interest and fuel their thirst for history and information as well as fun facts on common and popular Maths concepts
- Answers with full work solutions for self-assessment
- Supplementary reference section to provide extensive resource materials for lessons covered
Year of Pub
No. of Pages
Terry Chew
No. of Issues
190mm x 260mm
- We will not bear losses or damages on orders by normal mail option.
- No refunds or returns after purchase.
- Exchanges subject to the following:
- stock availability.
- You must contact us to raise your request within 5 working days from receipt of your order.
- Before returning or making an exchange, you are required to send us photos of the exchange products before sending out to us.
- Item to be returned must reach us within 5 working days from our email confirmation to you on the exchange arrangement.
- Item to be returned has to be in original new condition. We encourage courier or office drop-off.
- All returns are to be arranged at your own cost.
- Returns that are received damaged are not eligible for exchange
- Please see full terms & conditions