EduReach Primary 3 Malay Bundle Package


Set Bundle Darjah 3

Edureach Services telah melancarkan siri buku penilaian Bahasa Melayu untuk pelajar Sekolah Rendah. Objektif utama kami adalah untuk membantu pelajar cemerlang dalam Bahasa Melayu

Set Bundle untuk pelajar darjah 3 termasuk buku Latihan Efektif Bahasa Melayu dan Koleksi Karangan serta Panduan Mengarang Darjah 3

Latihan Efektif Bahasa Melayu:

 Beberapa ciri menarik
- Sukatan pelajaran terkini MOE
- Latihan-latihan topikal efektif
- 4 set Ujian Lengkap Kertas 2
* Bonus! Panduan Proses Lisan secarake seluruhan( Teks Bacaan, Penerangan dan Perbualan berdasarkan gambar)
* 30 Senarai Peribahasa Lengkap Khusus untuk Darjah 3&4
- Frasa
- Ujian
- Imbuhan
- Peribahasa
- Petikan Teks
- Lisan Bergambar
- Senarai Peribahasa
- Melengkapkan Teks
- Kefahaman Objektif
- Kefahaman Subjektif
- Kunci Jawapan

 Beberapa ciri menarik dalam buku Koleksi Karangan serta Panduan Mengarang Darjah 3:

Beberapa ciri menarik

- Mengikut format kertas 1 (karangan) terkini MOE
- Panduan lengkap untuk Karangan berdasarkan gambar
- Peta minda yang mudah untuk membantu penulisan murid sebagai panduan
- Contoh-contoh Karangan berdasarkan gambar/topik
- Latihan Golongan Kata untuk dilengkapkan, 10 Makna kosa kata berdasarkan setiap contoh karangan terjemahan dalam Bahasa Inggeris


- Peta Minda
- Panduan Umum
- Latihan Menjana Idea
- Karangan Berdasarkan Gambar
- 30 Contoh Soalan Karangan Bergambar
- Panduan untuk Karangan Berdasarkan gambar

Primary 3 Bundle Set

Edureach Services has launched our series of Malay assessment book for Primary School students. Our main objective is to help students to excel in the Malay language

Bundle Set includes a copy of EduReach’s popular Latihan Efektif Bahasa Melayu and Koleksi Karangan serta Panduan Mengarang

Latihan Efektif Bahasa Melayu :

Some interesting features
 - MOE latest syllabus
- Effective topical exercises
- 4 sets of Complete Paper Exam 2
 * Bonus! Oral Process Guide as a whole (Text Reading, Description and Conversation based on pictures)
 * 30 Complete Proverbs List Specific for Primary 3 & 4
 - Phrase
 - Exams Papers
 - Prefix and suffix (e.g ‘pe’, ‘ke’)
 - Proverbs
 - Text Excerpts
 - Oral Picture
 - Proverbs List
 - Complete the sentence
 - Objective Comprehension
 - Subjective Comprehension
 - Answer Key

 Koleksi Karangan serta Panduan Mengarang:

 Some interesting features
- According to the latest MOE paper 1 (essay) format
- Complete guide to Essays based on pictures
- A simple mind map to help students write as a guide
- Examples of Essays based on pictures / topics
- Vocabulary Exercises to complete, The meaning of vocabulary based on each example of a translation essay in English
- Mind map
- General Guide on essay writing
- Idea Generating Exercises
- Essay Based on Pictures
- 30 Sample Picture Essay Questions
- Guide to Essays writing Based on pictures
  1. We will not bear losses or damages on orders by normal mail option. 
  1. No refunds or returns after purchase. 
  1. Exchanges subject to the following: 
  • stock availability. 
  • You must contact us to raise your request within 5 working days from receipt of your order.  
  • Before returning or making an exchange, you are required to send us photos of the exchange products before sending out to us. 
  • Item to be returned must reach us within 5 working days from our email confirmation to you on the exchange arrangement. 
  • Item to be returned has to be in original new condition. We encourage courier or office drop-off. 
  • All returns are to be arranged at your own cost. 
  • Returns that are received damaged are not eligible for exchange 
  1. Please see full terms & conditions 

Set Bundle Darjah 3

Edureach Services telah melancarkan siri buku penilaian Bahasa Melayu untuk pelajar Sekolah Rendah. Objektif utama kami adalah untuk membantu pelajar cemerlang dalam Bahasa Melayu

Set Bundle untuk pelajar darjah 3 termasuk buku Latihan Efektif Bahasa Melayu dan Koleksi Karangan serta Panduan Mengarang Darjah 3

Latihan Efektif Bahasa Melayu:

 Beberapa ciri menarik
- Sukatan pelajaran terkini MOE
- Latihan-latihan topikal efektif
- 4 set Ujian Lengkap Kertas 2
* Bonus! Panduan Proses Lisan secarake seluruhan( Teks Bacaan, Penerangan dan Perbualan berdasarkan gambar)
* 30 Senarai Peribahasa Lengkap Khusus untuk Darjah 3&4
- Frasa
- Ujian
- Imbuhan
- Peribahasa
- Petikan Teks
- Lisan Bergambar
- Senarai Peribahasa
- Melengkapkan Teks
- Kefahaman Objektif
- Kefahaman Subjektif
- Kunci Jawapan

 Beberapa ciri menarik dalam buku Koleksi Karangan serta Panduan Mengarang Darjah 3:

Beberapa ciri menarik

- Mengikut format kertas 1 (karangan) terkini MOE
- Panduan lengkap untuk Karangan berdasarkan gambar
- Peta minda yang mudah untuk membantu penulisan murid sebagai panduan
- Contoh-contoh Karangan berdasarkan gambar/topik
- Latihan Golongan Kata untuk dilengkapkan, 10 Makna kosa kata berdasarkan setiap contoh karangan terjemahan dalam Bahasa Inggeris


- Peta Minda
- Panduan Umum
- Latihan Menjana Idea
- Karangan Berdasarkan Gambar
- 30 Contoh Soalan Karangan Bergambar
- Panduan untuk Karangan Berdasarkan gambar

Primary 3 Bundle Set

Edureach Services has launched our series of Malay assessment book for Primary School students. Our main objective is to help students to excel in the Malay language

Bundle Set includes a copy of EduReach’s popular Latihan Efektif Bahasa Melayu and Koleksi Karangan serta Panduan Mengarang

Latihan Efektif Bahasa Melayu :

Some interesting features
 - MOE latest syllabus
- Effective topical exercises
- 4 sets of Complete Paper Exam 2
 * Bonus! Oral Process Guide as a whole (Text Reading, Description and Conversation based on pictures)
 * 30 Complete Proverbs List Specific for Primary 3 & 4
 - Phrase
 - Exams Papers
 - Prefix and suffix (e.g ‘pe’, ‘ke’)
 - Proverbs
 - Text Excerpts
 - Oral Picture
 - Proverbs List
 - Complete the sentence
 - Objective Comprehension
 - Subjective Comprehension
 - Answer Key

 Koleksi Karangan serta Panduan Mengarang:

 Some interesting features
- According to the latest MOE paper 1 (essay) format
- Complete guide to Essays based on pictures
- A simple mind map to help students write as a guide
- Examples of Essays based on pictures / topics
- Vocabulary Exercises to complete, The meaning of vocabulary based on each example of a translation essay in English
- Mind map
- General Guide on essay writing
- Idea Generating Exercises
- Essay Based on Pictures
- 30 Sample Picture Essay Questions
- Guide to Essays writing Based on pictures
  1. We will not bear losses or damages on orders by normal mail option. 
  1. No refunds or returns after purchase. 
  1. Exchanges subject to the following: 
  • stock availability. 
  • You must contact us to raise your request within 5 working days from receipt of your order.  
  • Before returning or making an exchange, you are required to send us photos of the exchange products before sending out to us. 
  • Item to be returned must reach us within 5 working days from our email confirmation to you on the exchange arrangement. 
  • Item to be returned has to be in original new condition. We encourage courier or office drop-off. 
  • All returns are to be arranged at your own cost. 
  • Returns that are received damaged are not eligible for exchange 
  1. Please see full terms & conditions