Rainbow Island
The story revolves around two pandas, Big and Small, whose decisions affect their entire tribe. They eventually realise that the 'whole' is more important than oneself.
We take great care to pack your books carefully. However, in the event that your order is damaged (major dents) or faulty (missing pages, mis-prints), we will look into making a one-to-one exchange.
Simply contact us with the picture of the damaged book within 15 days, and we will dispatch a new book to you.
The story revolves around two pandas, Big and Small, whose decisions affect their entire tribe. They eventually realise that the 'whole' is more important than oneself.
We take great care to pack your books carefully. However, in the event that your order is damaged (major dents) or faulty (missing pages, mis-prints), we will look into making a one-to-one exchange.
Simply contact us with the picture of the damaged book within 15 days, and we will dispatch a new book to you.