Easy Steps to Writing P3 我的故事 三年级 3

S$6.40 S$4.80

Aligned to the latest Huanle Huoban Primary Chinese textbook, the Easy Steps to Writing Primary 3 introduces a new learning buddy, DD (“滴滴”) to its users,  a recurring character that will be featured in the subsequent books for P3 – P6 of this series. Through interacting and learning with DD, pupils are guided to read a model passage before writing their own story. Pupils are prompted to recount their experiences, which are helpful in the brainstorming of writing ideas.

奠定写作基本功的最佳手段是“仿 的人、事、物 激发写作兴趣的有效途径是书写熟悉的人,事,物

三年级小学华文《我的古故事) - 我看。我读。我做。我写。我讲。写作配套通过虚拟学习伙伴“滴滴"(DD)和学习者的互动,结合最新小三课本《欢乐伙伴》每课主题,以“仿”为手段,引导学习者先读后写,记述发生在自己身边的小故事,在发展写作能力的同时记录自己的成长轨迹。


  • 紧扣每课主题,共12篇
  • 项目分为五个部分:
    1. 我来看  -以漫画形式呈现例文内容、带出关键词语,促进理解并引发阅读兴趣
    2. 我来读  -配合主题,借助幽默、生活化的内容,让学生接触不同语段的结构及写作技巧
    3. 我来做  - 结合学生的生活 以有趣多元化的活动( 如剪贴 手工、绘画等)带出语段写作的内容
    4. 我来写 - 模仿例文完成语段写作
    5. 我来讲 - 针对语段内容进行说明 叙述或分享意见与看法


ISBN: 9789814862394

Year of Pub
No. of Pages
Ling Xi
No. of Issues
190 by 260 mm
  1. We will not bear losses or damages on orders by normal mail option.
  2. No refunds or returns after purchase.
  3. Exchanges subject to the following:
    • stock availability.
    • You must contact us to raise your request within 5 working days from receipt of your order. 
    • Before returning or making an exchange, you are required to send us photos of the exchange products before sending out to us.
    • Item to be returned must reach us within 5 working days from our email confirmation to you on the exchange arrangement.
    • Item to be returned has to be in original new condition. We encourage courier or office drop-off.
    • All returns are to be arranged at your own cost.
    • Returns that are received damaged are not eligible for exchange
  4. Please see full terms & conditions

Aligned to the latest Huanle Huoban Primary Chinese textbook, the Easy Steps to Writing Primary 3 introduces a new learning buddy, DD (“滴滴”) to its users,  a recurring character that will be featured in the subsequent books for P3 – P6 of this series. Through interacting and learning with DD, pupils are guided to read a model passage before writing their own story. Pupils are prompted to recount their experiences, which are helpful in the brainstorming of writing ideas.

奠定写作基本功的最佳手段是“仿 的人、事、物 激发写作兴趣的有效途径是书写熟悉的人,事,物

三年级小学华文《我的古故事) - 我看。我读。我做。我写。我讲。写作配套通过虚拟学习伙伴“滴滴"(DD)和学习者的互动,结合最新小三课本《欢乐伙伴》每课主题,以“仿”为手段,引导学习者先读后写,记述发生在自己身边的小故事,在发展写作能力的同时记录自己的成长轨迹。


  • 紧扣每课主题,共12篇
  • 项目分为五个部分:
    1. 我来看  -以漫画形式呈现例文内容、带出关键词语,促进理解并引发阅读兴趣
    2. 我来读  -配合主题,借助幽默、生活化的内容,让学生接触不同语段的结构及写作技巧
    3. 我来做  - 结合学生的生活 以有趣多元化的活动( 如剪贴 手工、绘画等)带出语段写作的内容
    4. 我来写 - 模仿例文完成语段写作
    5. 我来讲 - 针对语段内容进行说明 叙述或分享意见与看法


ISBN: 9789814862394

Year of Pub
No. of Pages
Ling Xi
No. of Issues
190 by 260 mm
  1. We will not bear losses or damages on orders by normal mail option.
  2. No refunds or returns after purchase.
  3. Exchanges subject to the following:
    • stock availability.
    • You must contact us to raise your request within 5 working days from receipt of your order. 
    • Before returning or making an exchange, you are required to send us photos of the exchange products before sending out to us.
    • Item to be returned must reach us within 5 working days from our email confirmation to you on the exchange arrangement.
    • Item to be returned has to be in original new condition. We encourage courier or office drop-off.
    • All returns are to be arranged at your own cost.
    • Returns that are received damaged are not eligible for exchange
  4. Please see full terms & conditions