Inspired by real-life events of a talented 10-year old inventor, this character-building story is packed with humour, educational elements and interesting facts.
Scott Sun is a talented young boy who develops inventions to solve real-life problems. His quest for a young inventors' award brings readers on a learning journey about creativity and innovation, patience and having a positive attitude towards school work. The book also deals with an issue which every child will face at some point in time: How do I react to the success of others when they have done better than me?
Unique to this book is the presence of an animated phablet, Witty Wikky, who engages readers with witty explanations. Kids are also encouraged to write to Wikky and share their views about various issues encountered by them. Wikky's unique way of engaging readers brings much delight.
This is a great book for students in the primary levels.
Key Features:
- Encourages creativity and innovation
- Character-building themes
- Educational elements. The book contains interesting facts, including bite-size facts about Nobel Prize winners and even a chapter on how inventions can be protected
Cover: Soft
Ages: 6-10
Number of Pages: 136
ISBN: 978-981-4733-06-9
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Inspired by real-life events of a talented 10-year old inventor, this character-building story is packed with humour, educational elements and interesting facts.
Scott Sun is a talented young boy who develops inventions to solve real-life problems. His quest for a young inventors' award brings readers on a learning journey about creativity and innovation, patience and having a positive attitude towards school work. The book also deals with an issue which every child will face at some point in time: How do I react to the success of others when they have done better than me?
Unique to this book is the presence of an animated phablet, Witty Wikky, who engages readers with witty explanations. Kids are also encouraged to write to Wikky and share their views about various issues encountered by them. Wikky's unique way of engaging readers brings much delight.
This is a great book for students in the primary levels.
Key Features:
- Encourages creativity and innovation
- Character-building themes
- Educational elements. The book contains interesting facts, including bite-size facts about Nobel Prize winners and even a chapter on how inventions can be protected
Cover: Soft
Ages: 6-10
Number of Pages: 136
ISBN: 978-981-4733-06-9
- We will not be responsible for lost mails or damages for orders by normal mail option.
- No refunds or returns after purchase.
- Exchanges subject to the following:
- stock availability.
- You must contact us to raise your request within 5 working days from receipt of your order.
- Before returning or making an exchange, you are required to send us photos of the exchange products before sending out to us.
- Item to be returned must reach us within 5 working days from our email confirmation to you on the exchange arrangement.
- Item to be returned has to be in original new condition. We encourage courier or office drop-off.
- All returns are to be arranged at your own cost. We will not be responsible for damage in transit.
- Please see full terms & conditions