看图作文大飞跃 A to A* by Mind Stretcher

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对写作缺乏信心? 看得懂题目,却不知道该从哪里下笔? 还是想得高分,却不得要领? 如果有这些问题,《看图作文大飞跃 A to A★》可以帮助 你。 这本书能帮助同学们快速掌握审题和构思作文的方法。

我们精心设计了“A 级作文”和“A ★佳作”的比较解析, 帮助同学们按照老师的指导为自己的作文“加料”,完成 一篇 “A ★佳作” 。 这本书由资深老师命题,亲笔点拨思路,撰写范文,是学 汇乐团队继《A ★作文深度解析》之后的又一力作。 《看图作文大飞跃 A to A★》是最简明易懂、最有效、最 实用的小学生作文参考书,帮助同学们实现写作水平的 “大飞跃”!


About the Book

Lack of confidence when it comes to writing compositions?
Understand the question, but do not know how to craft a good piece of composition?
Do you want to improve your composition score from A to A*?

If you are looking for an excellent and easy solution to these questions, “PSLE Chinese A to A* Model Compositions [看图作文大飞跃 A to A* (P5&P6)]” is the guidebook for you.

This comprehensive book includes proven question analysis techniques & writing strategies to help students score in PSLE Chinese Composition. In addition, this book acts as a step-by-step guide for students to craft good compositions, moving from an A to A* grade. Compiled, edited and annotated by our team of 学汇乐 Chinese Curriculum Specialists, “PSLE Chinese A to A* Model Compositions [看图作文大飞跃 A to A* (P5&P6)]” is the second book published after our best-selling “Best A* Model Compositions Book (P5 & P6) Chinese [A*作文深度 解析]”


“PSLE Chinese A to A* Model Compositions [看图作文大飞跃 A to A* (P5&P6)]” is the simplest and most effective book a student needs to excel in their Chinese Compositions!



  • 十五篇作文详细分,提醒, A*范文
  • 看懂图片:图片大意 , 问题引路
  • 准备写作:写作技巧- 心里描写, 动作描写,环境描写, 加分妙语
  • 文章写作:作文开头,故事高潮,结尾
  • 写作技巧100例
  • 加分妙语200条

Key highlights :

  • 15 compositions broken down by segments and A* model compositions
  • Understanding Question: Meaning of pictures, guiding questions
  • Preparation: Express feelings, describing actions and environment , bonus vocabulary
  • Writing: Introduction, climax, ending
  • 100 sample writing techniques
  • 200 bonus vocabulary

Suitable for P5 & P6 students


 ISBN: 9789811154959

No. of pages: 128

Year of Pub
No. of Pages
No. of Issues
  1. We will not bear losses or damages on orders by normal mail option.
  2. No refunds or returns after purchase.
  3. Exchanges subject to the following:
    • stock availability.
    • You must contact us to raise your request within 5 working days from receipt of your order. 
    • Before returning or making an exchange, you are required to send us photos of the exchange products before sending out to us.
    • Item to be returned must reach us within 5 working days from our email confirmation to you on the exchange arrangement.
    • Item to be returned has to be in original new condition. We encourage courier or office drop-off.
    • All returns are to be arranged at your own cost.
    • Returns that are received damaged are not eligible for exchange
  4. Please see full terms & conditions


对写作缺乏信心? 看得懂题目,却不知道该从哪里下笔? 还是想得高分,却不得要领? 如果有这些问题,《看图作文大飞跃 A to A★》可以帮助 你。 这本书能帮助同学们快速掌握审题和构思作文的方法。

我们精心设计了“A 级作文”和“A ★佳作”的比较解析, 帮助同学们按照老师的指导为自己的作文“加料”,完成 一篇 “A ★佳作” 。 这本书由资深老师命题,亲笔点拨思路,撰写范文,是学 汇乐团队继《A ★作文深度解析》之后的又一力作。 《看图作文大飞跃 A to A★》是最简明易懂、最有效、最 实用的小学生作文参考书,帮助同学们实现写作水平的 “大飞跃”!


About the Book

Lack of confidence when it comes to writing compositions?
Understand the question, but do not know how to craft a good piece of composition?
Do you want to improve your composition score from A to A*?

If you are looking for an excellent and easy solution to these questions, “PSLE Chinese A to A* Model Compositions [看图作文大飞跃 A to A* (P5&P6)]” is the guidebook for you.

This comprehensive book includes proven question analysis techniques & writing strategies to help students score in PSLE Chinese Composition. In addition, this book acts as a step-by-step guide for students to craft good compositions, moving from an A to A* grade. Compiled, edited and annotated by our team of 学汇乐 Chinese Curriculum Specialists, “PSLE Chinese A to A* Model Compositions [看图作文大飞跃 A to A* (P5&P6)]” is the second book published after our best-selling “Best A* Model Compositions Book (P5 & P6) Chinese [A*作文深度 解析]”


“PSLE Chinese A to A* Model Compositions [看图作文大飞跃 A to A* (P5&P6)]” is the simplest and most effective book a student needs to excel in their Chinese Compositions!



  • 十五篇作文详细分,提醒, A*范文
  • 看懂图片:图片大意 , 问题引路
  • 准备写作:写作技巧- 心里描写, 动作描写,环境描写, 加分妙语
  • 文章写作:作文开头,故事高潮,结尾
  • 写作技巧100例
  • 加分妙语200条

Key highlights :

  • 15 compositions broken down by segments and A* model compositions
  • Understanding Question: Meaning of pictures, guiding questions
  • Preparation: Express feelings, describing actions and environment , bonus vocabulary
  • Writing: Introduction, climax, ending
  • 100 sample writing techniques
  • 200 bonus vocabulary

Suitable for P5 & P6 students


 ISBN: 9789811154959

No. of pages: 128

Year of Pub
No. of Pages
No. of Issues
  1. We will not bear losses or damages on orders by normal mail option.
  2. No refunds or returns after purchase.
  3. Exchanges subject to the following:
    • stock availability.
    • You must contact us to raise your request within 5 working days from receipt of your order. 
    • Before returning or making an exchange, you are required to send us photos of the exchange products before sending out to us.
    • Item to be returned must reach us within 5 working days from our email confirmation to you on the exchange arrangement.
    • Item to be returned has to be in original new condition. We encourage courier or office drop-off.
    • All returns are to be arranged at your own cost.
    • Returns that are received damaged are not eligible for exchange
  4. Please see full terms & conditions