As we draw closer to PSLE, use suitable resources for targeted practice. OpenSchoolbag scouted around and has put together a list of PSLE focused titles. Books are arranged into various learning objectives:
- Full Papers Practice
- Tips and Techniques!
- Oral & Listening
- English Focus Areas
- Math Focus Areas
- Science Guide Books
- Foundation Subjects
If we missed out any or you would like to recommend, let us know!
1. Full Papers Practice
- 6 sets of mock examination papers that simulate the style, type and standard of questions that are found in the PSLE English.
- Exam papers allow students to tear them off easily and attempt each examination paper like an actual examination.
- Model compositions provided at the back of the book.
- Practice by components of paper.
- Answers are provided to facilitate self-checking or marking.
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By Marshall Cavendish
- Section 1: 4 sets of Oral Communication
- Section 2: 4 sets of Listening Comprehension
- Section 3: 8 sets of Writing
- Section 4: 8 sets of Language Use and Comprehension
- Full answers provided.
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By Fan Math
- By Maths Specialist Publisher Fan Math
- 5 Simulated Papers
- Answer key with detailed solutions
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By Mind Stretcher
- Covers a wide range of heuristic skills & problem-solving strategies
- Questions are graded according to 3 levels of assessment objectives
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By OnSponge
- 10 practice papers to simulate the actual PSLE Paper 2 and each paper comes complete with a score sheet.
- The problem sums in each paper are carefully crafted and developed to ensure that the questions are relevant and challenging.
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2. Tips and Answering Techniques!
- involves analysing students' answers against the provided guided answers
- learn from : guidelines, notes and tips so that they are aware of common mistakes that often result in the loss of marks.
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By CPD Singapore
- Complete and comprehensive Science guide
- LiSC ® Answering Technique for Upper Primary Science
- Recommended to parents as a reference book to teach Science
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By LearninTransit
- Q&A based flash cards
- Comes with pointers and highlights after every question
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By Polymath Learning Centre
- Adhere strictly according to MOE PSLE Science Syllabus.
- Detailed explanation of key concepts
- Keywords and question type are provided for commonly-tested questions
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3. Oral & Listening
- CD + Teachers' script
- mock tests modelled after school examinations
- Listening tests
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By Casco
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By Tamilcube
- Contains several Tamil oral practice pictures and videos with sample answers in text as well in audio format.
- Sample Tamil reading passages in text and audio are also provided.
- Also includes Tamil listening comprehension practice with audio instructions. Includes several theme based vocabulary lists with meanings in English.
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4. English Focus Areas
By Victoria Publications
- Step by step guide consists of 25 chapters of commonly tested topics at PSLE
- Comprehensive structure with helping phrases
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By Marshall Cavendish
- Systematic and progressive skills-based approach towards teaching comprehension skills
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By Scholastic
- Scaffolded practice sets develop comprehension skills progressively
- Provides practice to use a variety of comprehension strategies
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- There are 40 units in each book. Each unit contains concise notes as well as questions to reinforce what has been taught.
- Review practices are provided after every 5 units to consolidate learning.
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By Mind Stretcher
- Step-by-step analysis on how to approach and write the compositions
- Includes model A* Compositions
- Writing tips and techniques
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5. Math Focus Areas | Topical
By SL Education
- Each book provides ample practices on each topic in detail
- Books can be purchased separately
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By Marshall Cavendish
- Different techniques for solving problems as they practise answering exam-types questions that have been grouped according to different levels
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6. Science Guide Books
By PolyMath Learning Centre
- Comprehensive notes with elaborate visuals and simple structure
- Side-bar with prompters and questions for your child to actively test his or her knowledge
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By Marshall Cavendish
- A comprehensive guide book
- Detailed self-teaching approach for easy understanding of each topic.
- Added experiments to support theoretical assumptions
- Mind maps and Thematic maps given at end of chapters
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7. For Foundation Subjects
- Comprises study notes, topical practice papers, examination paper and answers to all the questions
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*Credits of all book images back to respective publishers
This is not an exhaustive list of PSLE books. These titles are recommended by educators. If you have other books that you feel would be useful for parents, let us know! :)
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